Aqha shows washington state com February 9 – 12, 2023 AQHA EquineNow listing of aqha horses for sale in washington. It includes Washington State Quarter Horse Association is honored to be the hosts for the AQHA Regional Championships boasting over $100,000 in awards. Hayley Reid. Stay updated and join us to celebrate The WSQHA/AQHA partnership will unite the American Quarter Horse owners in our communities to develop and provide beneficial services for all horse owners which enhance and encourage American Quarter Horse ownership and Find Quarter Horse shows near you. If you are looking at score cards or results on your cell phone be sure you have an app that will read PDF documents. Hosts. History of AQHA History of the Quarter Horse AQHA Mission Statement AQHA Facts Rapports annuels AQHA Achievements Breeding Timed Events We are Washington State's oldest Paint Horse Club, an organization dedicated to enhancing and inspiring the equine industry through community work and the About. com Way Out West Spring Classic Washington State Quarter Horse Association is hosting The Equine Connection this February 4th from 9:00-3:00 at The Evergreen State Fairgrounds. Horsemanship Ranch Riding 601 Lungeline Draw. WSQHA. Breed : AQHA Quarter Horse . Wisconsin Quarter Horse Association 920 Through shows and events held each year, Washington State Horsemen has an economic impact of $5,165,920. Pular para o Conteúdo; Washington Racing. Tammie Whit Olympia WA . show@kyvenues. Related Searches by State. VERY IMPORTANT: All year end award requirements must be completed and presented to Susan by the last day of The Emerald. Lori Bucholz is a professional parliamentarian and shares a great amount of useful information on agendas and meeting management. GONZALES, LA, US. WSQHA Events and Shows; Sponsor an Event with WSQHA; Sponsorship Form; Show AQHA and Futurities Washington State Horse Park mikalahshowservices@gmail. 502 Followers, 317 Following, 58 Posts - WSQHA (@wsqha) on Instagram: "Official Instagram of: Washington State Quarter Horse Assn AQHA Proud | Horse Show Lifestyle FEATURE TAG: @wsqha 鸞Youth IG Account: @wsqhya" Get the latest in official and unofficial AQHA horse show results here. July 24 - 27, 2025. Panoramica riguardo all'AQHA. 1020 N Stratford Rd, Moses Lake, WA 98837-1573, United States. Website 2025 Spring Into Summer – Show Program. Region 5. AQHA now offers unofficial show results! Shows sent to AQHA through the online show upload system will now be posted here until the show is processed by the A House bill could provide funds to return horse racing to several of the state's tracks. See upcoming events, including ranch horse competitions and barrel racing. Over 60 Buckles AWARDED! Judges. Visit wsqha. December 16, 2024. Evergreen State Fairgrounds, Monroe, WA. AQHA Ranch Reining Special Event- All Breed Ranch and Reining Classes . 26 Feb ELITE MARCH EXTRAVAGANZA. Website - NYSQHA. Roster Show#2. Region 2. It would not be a new tax but an allocation of sales tax already collected. Navigation. com Each year, AQHA selects four universities to conduct the international horsemanship camps in Europe. AQHA & APHA. ESQHA “The Sizzler A House bill could provide funds to return horse racing to several of the state's tracks. Website – NYSQHA. She grew up showing both English and Western at AQHA shows. com. Home Shows Membership April 5 & 6, 2025 Spokane Interstate Fairgrounds, Spokane, WA Secretary: Erin Wieldraayer 509-760-6462 iebhaclub@gmail. Welcome to the official WSQHA Facebook page! Almost all of our information can be found at Washington State Quarter Horse Association (WSQHA) Reels. Fiesta Circuit & Regional Show. servoss@gmail. About AQHA; Animal Welfare; Careers; Directories; History And Facts; News; Policy; How do I find out about upcoming horse shows in my area? Use the online AQHA events calendar to find a horse show near you. GATTON, , AU. About AQHA; Animal Welfare; Careers; Directories; History And Facts; class level divisions; aged geldings: am|op|yt: aged mares: am|op|yt: aged stallions: am|op: all around: am|op|yt: all around 3rd place: am|op|yt: all around runner up 🐴 🐴 🐴 Level 1 Classes Added to Respective 2020 AQHA World Shows 🐴 🐴 🐴. This would not be possible without the help of sponsorships. The top 10 1D American Quarter Horses in the following barrel racing events will be invited to compete at the 2024 Nutrena AQHA World Show. 7 Mar Mark your calendar with the tentative dates for these 2025 AQHA events. DIVISIONS (Year-End High Point recognition is awarded in each division Open, Amateur, Select and Youth in Level 3. SHOW #1 DRAWS Western Riding. Washington State Quarter Horse Association is an affiliate of the American Quarter Horse Association The Region 1 Regional Championships is August 13-14 at the Evergreen State Fairgrounds in Monroe, Washington, followed by Region 2 on September 14-18 at the Central States Fairgrounds in Rapid City, South Dakota. from: May 5, 2022 to: May 8, 2022 Moses Lake WASHINGTON US Primary Contact: MIKALAH MARBACH mikalahclarkston@gmail. Navegación. With a growing membership, we encourage all equine enthusiasts to join Washington State’s only multi-age, multi-discipline, multi-breed organization where the whole family can play together! 910770 - CENTRAL WASHINGTON QHA ANNUAL SHOW . American Quarter Horse University is an online service hosted by AQHA, and one of the many classes it offers is extensive ring steward education. Welcome to the official WSQHA Facebook page! Almost all of our information can be found at www. Casey Orr . WS FINALS Open Show September 22-24,2023 . About AQHA; Animal Welfare; Careers; Directories; History And Facts; Laramie County Community College Center for Conferences **Host Hotel** Springfield Suites. August 10, 2019 - August 11, 2019. 4,612 likes · Larson Performance Horses train & show AQHA & APHA all around horses. com ; 7/22-23 . April 22 - 28: AQHA East Level 1 Championships at the World Equestrian Center in Wilmington, Ohio. Moses Lake WASHINGTON US Primary Contact: DARLENE M CHASE DARLENECHASE@CABLEONE. Photos by Elizabeth Knight . To find AQHA shows near you, simply use our Show Schedule . No Silver, No Sequins Show Coming in March by WSQHA Staff WSQHA is excited to announce that the No Silver, No Sequins show will be held in Monroe, Washington on March 23-26. All Breed Open . September 17 The American Quarter Horse Association has an exciting line-up of events planned for 2025. Class Count #2. Candy Apple Quarter Horse Show (Hamburg, NY) July 10 – 13, 2025. AQHA Region 2 Show September 10 - 14, 2025. Welcome to the 2023 Queensland Quarter Horse State Show. Star Spangled Classic; Year End Awards; Youth; Contact; Washington State Paint Horse Club. org. Verndale, MN American Quarter Horse Racing World Records Triple Crown Report Racing News and Blogs (also New Mexico State Fair) Eastern Idaho Fair - Blackfoot, ID; Eastern Oregon Livestock Show - Union, OR; Elko County Fair - Elko, NV; GATTON QUARTER HORSE SHOW. September 20-22, 2024 . 6 Mar GATTON QUARTER HORSE SHOW. com 61439409375 Quarter Horse Resource; ABOUT. WSQHA puts on the two of the top three largest quarter horse shows on the West Coast and the largest in Washington State. PIN. About Horse Shows; Event Calendar; Awards and Recognition; Announcements; Photo Gallery; AQHA Region One AQHA and Open Show. Northwest Emerald. 307-635-0006. EWQHEG Summer Starter and Open Show - Showbill. - Spring Round Up Apil 19-20 Evergreen State Fairgrounds 253-208-8319 Lisa Gardner wsqha. Check out the brochure below to see all the exciting opportunities in the HSD – a great opportunity to ride in multi The Washington State Finals Open Show and The WSQHA AQHA Rookie and Level 1 Show . Ask for the Wyoming Quarter Horse Association Room Rate of $129 2025 Approved Shows January 2025 Ranch Spectacular Corning, Ca www. Saltar al contenido; Washington Racing. Eligible applicants must be Region One members. AQHA: 2024 Recap. June 25 Gloucester County Dream Park December 21, 2017 February 1, 2017 by Washington State Quarter Horse Association. Steve Bryson Gig Harbor WA. Subscribe! Splendid! Look for my owl! Most importantly, these individuals share as much a passion for their work as they do for the American Quarter Horse. 1,317 likes. Go to news and blogs. Washington State Quarter Horse Association (WSQHA). OLAF THE SHOW OFF (Olaf) Rainier, Washington 98576 USA 2021 Chestnut APHA Paint Gelding Olaf the all arounder $15,000 For Sale Horse ID: 2287301. Looking for a schedule of AQHA competitions and events? Use this AQHA events calendar. Online Entry Link WSQHA Convention 2024 Banquet Reservation Convention Schedule. /AQHA dual membership Professional Horsemen who have provided their services at the 2011 AQHA Region One Championship Show. By Andrea Caudill. Upcoming Events. s Now more than ever, government at the local, state and federal level is scrutinizing horse ownership and the way horses are managed. Their desire to come together, in a common bond, all individuals throughout the State interested in equine as defined by the State Department of Agriculture, whether for business or pleasure. Pacific Northwest Ranch Horse HandbookMembership required to show, please visit our membership page to sign up 2025 Shows Oregon Quarter Horse Association, Oregon Horse CenterJanuary 10 thru 12, 2025 Oregon Quarter Horse Association, Oregon Horse CenterFebruary 7 thru 9, 2025 Washington State Horse Park in Cle Elum WashingtonJune 7 Washington State Quarter Horse Association (WSQHA). WS The purpose of the Horse Show Division is to serve and promote the best interests of recognized horse shows. April 22-24, 2025 Yellowstone Slide, Anderson Training Stables, Wilsall, Montana. We are excited to move to QSEC this year & look forward to seeing old faces & new! Online. Ranch It Up. Class Count #1. June 7-9 Pasco WA. Show Secretaries-Karen Lunan. MARK BOLENDER – Silver Creek, WA. Home HORSE SHOW OFFICE horse. We continue to strive to grow every year, giving you great exposure to the northwest horse community. “It’s an inexpensive way to prepare and school for the show season. IEBHA - PO Box 3555 - Post Falls, ID, 83877. His parents, Benjamin and Dollie McBride, had moved to Washington state around the turn of the century and began homesteading, and as a very young adult filled with with faith and determination, Clarence was soon grazing his own herd on his ND State Fair Show July 18 - 19, 2025. Foxy is a 12 year old AQHA mare who has raised 2 nice foals for us. NET 2087980763|2083056130 Judges: DEBORAH KAIL Enter your email here. We've got the latest results from AQHA shows. AQHA Youth World Show Info; WSQHYA BIOGRAPHIES 2025; WSQHYA Bylaws; WSQHYA Charity & Community Involvement; Youth Excellence Seminar; Youth Bio Form; Scholarships; Anyone Can Be Successful If You Walk Trot Kids? This One’s for You! Events & Shows. AQHA and Futurities Washington State Horse Park mikalahshowservices@gmail. The Horse Show Division (HSD) has much to offer individuals interested in competing in the ring! • Quarter Horse • Reining Washington State Horsemen Performance Events Sponsorship ranch events sponsorship. There is no cost to attend and lunch is included. Joe Schmick (R-Colfax), would allocate $6 million in sales tax on equine-related products -- including horses, feed, equine medications and tack -- to the Washington State Horse Racing Commission. Sucha Dun Deal (Stanley) Port Angeles, Washington 98362 USA 2023 Red Dun AQHA Quarter Horse Gelding Get ready for a showcase of speed, grace, and the incredible versatility of Quarter Horses at the Central Washington QHA Annual Show! Hosted by the prestigious Central Washington Quarter Horse Association, this event is a celebration of equestrian excellence. About AQHA Overview. (Credit: Abigail Boatwright for AQHA) TWEET. The 64th Annual Central Washington QHA Show-Stall Chart Barn 45 -Stall Chart Barn 46/47 - Patterns 1 - Patterns 2 - Showbill - Entry Link. SHARE. The AQHA Team will assist with getting you underway on the journey of a lifetime. The most regularly updated and comprehensive list of Home & Garden Shows in Washington in 2025 and 2026. Online Entry Link. The American Quarter Horse Association has an exciting line-up of events planned for 2025. Stall Reservation . 913084 - VICTORIAN STATE SHOW . Mark your calendars and set your reminders today with these dates, organized by category. History of AQHA History of the Quarter Horse AQHA Mission Statement AQHA Facts Achievements Breeding 50-Year Breeders Timed Events AQHA-PRCA Horses of the Year Ranch It Up June 25-26 Evergreen State Fairgrounds Monroe Wa . Stanley, 2023 Red Dun Gelding, Ranch Show Prospect May Trade Horse ID: 2282778. Region One proudly offers two $5,000 educational scholarships annually through the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) Foundation. text size . The Maryland State Quarter Horse Association fosters future development of the American Quarter horse through the support of the Youth Association. The AQHA online show calendar locates events near you. The Empire State Quarter Horse Association (ESQHA) is the New York State AQHA Affiliate. AQHA Youth World Show Info; WSQHYA BIOGRAPHIES 2024; WSQHYA Bylaws; WSQHYA Charity & Community Involvement; WSQHYA Donation; Youth Excellence Seminar; Washington State Quarter Horse Association is an DreamHorse. You can select the event type, date range and location you’d like to search. WSQHA Convention (one day only), January 11, 2020. Lope On In Finals Show. AQHA is dedicated to helping horse owners find the right trainer for their specific needs, from general training assistance to specific disciplines, such as cutting, barrel racing, western pleasure, working hunter and racing. Welcome to the Horse Show Division of the Washington State Horsemen. com or catch her at a horse show. Show Manager-Lisa Gardner. The opportunity to be able to do the same pattern twice allows us to fine tune and correct our mistakes,” says Lisa Gardner, show office manager. Saut au contenu; Washington Racing. Lucky 13 Ranch in Arlington, Washington is their full service training and boarding facility. Waco, TX, US. Share on Facebook. History and Facts. AQHA is the world’s largest equine breed registry and membership organization. com Horses for Sale - AQHA Quarter Horses in Washington. Organized by Westlake Promotions. A House bill could provide funds to return horse racing to several of the state's tracks. Join us for a weekend filled with thrilling performances, expert horsemanship, and the A House bill could provide funds to return horse racing to several of the state's tracks. May 14 - 18:AQHA West Level 1 Championships, held following the Arizona Quarter Horse Association Pinnacle Circuit, May 11-14, at the South Point Arena and Equestrian Center in Las Vegas. Explore upcoming events and shows hosted by the Washington State Quarter Horse Association, an affiliate of the American Quarter Horse Association. This show consist of ABRA classes, AQHA classes, and added money open futurities. Patterns. AQHA Specialized Judge -- These judges specialize in specific areas, including: cutting, reining, roping, over fences, team penning, speed events, dressage, halter, cowboy mounted shooting and Level 1. 2025 NDQHA Wadena Run. SCOTTSDALE, AZ, US. The 2020 convention will be held at the Red Lion Hotel in Bellevue, WA. Washington State Evergreen Spring Home Show. September 10-14 Central States Fairgrounds 800 San Francisco Street Rapid City, South Dakota 57701 Show Contact: Scott Flach 701-391-4393 sdflach@gmail. Teresa Sullivan is newly appointed AQHA = American Quarter Horse Association ABRA = American Buckskin Registry Association Pinto Horse Association OTAB = Open to All Breed (Open Show) VRH = AQHA Versatility Ranch Horse Division ISHSA = Idaho State Horse Show Association IEA = Interscholastic Equestrian Association Washington www. Acerca del resumen de AQHA. 4,642 likes · 251 talking about this. CHECK ME OUT. KENTUCKY STATE FAIR Aug 9 - Aug 14 Navigation. · April 20, 2025 Walla Walla Quarter Horse Show, Walla Walla, WA. AQHA All-Around Judge -- These judges are approved to judge any AQHA-approved event. com . Home; Search; Help; Contact; Sign In; Advertisements. Direct qualifying invitations are specific for the 2024 Nutrena AQHA World Championship Show. 7 Mar LQHA SPRING SHOW. com PRE-ENTRY DEADLINE: August 31, 2024 Entries accepted at the Oak Grove Equestrian Cetner; 777 Winners Way, Oak Grove, KY 42262 IEBHA hosts the Western States American Breed Congress every August in Moses Lake, WA. The WSU Equestrian Team began in 2013 and is a club sport for the university. com for more info! Washington AQHA, APHA, ApHC Show Horses for Sale | Ranch shows in Washington State for 2024 Washington State University Equestrian Team. You'll be able to search by event type, location, and date. com 5023675300 Judges: LARRY LITTLE 914279 - KENTUCKY STATE FAIR Quarter Horse Resource; ABOUT. Western Riding APHA HMS AQHA HMS. Washington Racing. April 21-27: AQHA East Level 1 Championships at the World Equestrian Center in Wilmington, Ohio. May 19-24: AQHA West Level 1 Championships, held following the Arizona Quarter Horse Association Pinnacle Circuit, May 14-19, at the South Point Arena and Equestrian Center in Las Vegas. 4,644 likes · 281 talking about this. lawrenceshowmanagement. Membership; 2025 WSPHC Year End Declaration Form; 2025 Show Year End Awards Rules; Events. wsqha. 28 Feb Sun Circuit RHC. For Sale . The WRHA offers a full slate of NRHA classes as well as a variety of club classes. Faculty and students from the University of Findlay, Colorado State University, Sam Houston State University and the University of Wisconsin-River Falls have been serving as the clinicians for the summer 2014 camps. AQHA has three unique types of judging positions. Add to Calendar. The North West Emerald AQHA / APHA Show, Home of the NW Masters, hosted by the Washington Quarter Horse Association and the Southwest Washington Paint Horse Club, took place September 7- 10, 2023, at Evergreen State Fairgrounds in Monroe, Washington. Ranch shows in Washington State for 2024. Click on the show you want to view score cards & results! All documents are in PDF format. Online pre-entries AQHA Championship Shows. 62nd Annual WMQHA Quarter Horse Shows - Showbill version 3/28/24. Dressage Events; Trails & Pleasure Events; Youth Merit Events; Horse Shows. com Show Secretary: Laura Berg (509) 308-6973 laurasberg58@gmail. Updates on the Association’s progress in 2024 from AQHA Chief Executive Officer Karl Stressman. Canadian Entry Form. INLAND EMPIRE BUCKSKIN HORSE ASSOCIATION. Entry Form. Tack Ads in Oregon. These prestigious awards support students pursuing higher education while maintaining their involvement in the Quarter Horse community. Ranch . Moses Lake, Grant County Fairgrounds-C AND The Region One Scholarship Show August 13-14. 2025 MT State 4-H Working Ranch Horse Show, 406 Arena, Vaughn, MT. The organization has four major divisions which sets it apart from many other horse associations including: Horse Show Division, Games Division, Trails If you have discovered that you really enjoy the rewarding position of being a ring steward, AQHA can help you get better and advance to maybe serving as a world show ring steward. May 25-26 Corvallis MT. Home Shows The top 10 1D American Quarter Horses in the following barrel racing events will be invited to compete at the 2024 Nutrena AQHA World Show. 2024 shows Show & COntest Rules + Points System May 25-26 wmqha Corvallis, MT premium August 1-4 Summer color classic AQHA/APHA/ ApHANampa, ID premium August 10-11 wmqha Corvallis, MT premium August 23-25 WSABC Moses Lake, WA premium September 27-29 aqha/iSHSA Nampa, ID Please keep her up to date on what you have done by e-mailing her at kim. Announcer-Ron Coakley. More than a century ago, a young man named Clarence McBride traded a pocket watch for 10 cows. This is your opportunity to meet like-minded people who share the Quarter Horse passion. Home » Blog » Articles » Clubs/Organizations. Fiesta Circuit August 10-13, 2023 ; AQHA All Breed . AQHA Region One . Website – Wnyqhc. com 2087917316|2087917316 Quarter Horse Resource; ABOUT. She has competed McKenna, WA Recognized by: Washington State Horsemen - “B” System (WSH) Northeast Zone (NEZ) & Zone One (Z1) of Washington State Horsemen Show Chairman: Erica Lackey 509-520-9887 ericalackey1283@gmail. West Virginia Quarter Horse Association 304-716-6780 John Bowyer. June 15 thru 16, 2024. AQHA & All Breed Classes. Evergreen State Fairgrounds 14405 179th St SE Monroe, Washington 98272 Show Contact: Lisa Gardner 253-208-8319 cuteloper@aol. Region One Championships at Evergreen State Fairgrounds in Monroe, Washington; November 19: Nutrena AQHA World Championship Show, Oklahoma City; November 21 Washington AQHA, APHA, ApHC Show Horses for Sale - Facebook Mark your calendar with the tentative dates for these 2025 AQHA events. This show benefits trainers and riders because they may have to wait a few months until the horse show season is back. Monroe WA. The awards banquet will take place Saturday evening, January 11th. WA Concealed Carry Class at Sportsman's Warehouse MOSES LAKE, WA - 10AM to 2PM. Standings for Level 1 Horse Non-Pro classes can be found with the Open Level 1 Leaders. The American Quarter Horse Association has made a commitment to lead the equine industry through the tough world of public policy. She has settled first cycle both times. com 530-526-3511 Denver Stock Show: January 14-15 January 22-26 Washington State Quarter Horse Assoc. Spring Fling Quarter Horse Shows (Hamburg, NY) May 15 - 18, 2025. August 8-11: Region One Championships at Evergreen State Fairgrounds in Monroe, Washington; November 24, 2018 February 1, 2012 by Washington State Quarter Horse Association. We are very confident that this year will be the best yet! The Dayton Chronicle last week reported that HB 1928, sponsored by Rep. NYSQHA Quarter Horse Show (Cobleskill, NY) July 3 – 6, 2025. Website – springflingqhshows. August 8 thru 11, 2024. Karra Johnstone. Washington State Quarter Horse Association (WSQHA) · March 12, 2021 · March 12, 2021 · Washington State Quarter Horse Association (WSQHA) Reels. Games Division Events; Horse Show Events. NYSQHA Quarter Horse Shows (Cobleskill, NY) May 9 - 11, 2025. For Sale. History of the Quarter Horse AQHA Mission Statement AQHA Facts Timed Events Pretty Dun Doll: Location: Cottage Grove Oregon 97424 USA. Washington State Quarter Horse Association 253-208-8319 Lisa Gardner. WSQHA-Rookie Level 1 Evergreen State Fairgrounds Circuits in each class : 60 Buckles awarded . Roster Show #1. Access the AQHA show and event calendar. ) A House bill could provide funds to return horse racing to several of the state's tracks. All IBEHA Horse Show, AQHA, ABRA, WSQHA, IQHA, MSHQA approved. September 5 thru 8, 2024. from: Dec 9, 2021 to: Dec 12, 2021 Location: WESTERN DISTRICT QHA TATURA VICTORIA AU Primary Contact: JACQUELINE MCELROY jm. This show is approved by ABRA, AQHA, MSQHA, IQHA, MQHA, and WSQHA. To test your phone click here AQHA Championship Shows. The Evergreen State Fairgrounds in Monroe, WA. 4th - 6th April 2025. WSQHA POINTS APPROVED-Bronze Classic July 29-31 . The show will be held in Spanaway, WA August 14-19 and will offer a full slate of the new Rookie classes, 4H Open Breed classes, and Novice Classes, as well as AQHA points classes. CLOVERDALE, IN, US. Navegação. Skip to Content; KENTUCKY STATE FAIR. History of the Quarter Horse AQHA Mission Statement AQHA Facts Timed Events We encourage educational, social, recreational, and competitive participation. The top quality professional horse training delivered here will develop the discriminating AQHA & APHA All Around competitor who wish the opportunity to achieve success at the highest levels of Please accept our invitation to participate in the growth of the WRHA , Washington States’ premier reining club, through sponsorship of the 2021 show season. RV Reservation. Related Searches by Breed Find results from AQHA world championship shows going back to 1992 and Level 1 Championships results going back to 2012. You'll find horse shows, ranch horse shows and AQHA special events. AQHA Novice & Open Show. Navigazione. The American Quarter Horse Association presents the AQHA Emerging Leader Award winners for 2025, presented by Farnam. Storia e Realtà. AQHA Championship Shows. showsec@gmail. AQHA's online events calendar is a great resource for finding upcoming horse shows near you. Trail 604 Lungeline Open SHOW #1 SCORE SHEETS. History of the Quarter Horse AQHA Mission Statement AQHA Facts Achievements Breeding 50-Year Breeders 75-Year Breeders 2018 Chestnut AQHA Quarter Horse Gelding $6,500. Gelding Horse ID: 2288150 • Photo Added/Renewed: 08-Jan-2025 9PM. Once you have experienced the hardworking, adaptable and loyal Division. Hold Harmless. From educational seminars to year-end awards, show and racing programs to leadership development conferences, your AQHA Affiliate has a program for the entire family. AQHA is excited to announce the addition of Nutrena Level 1 classes at the 2020 Built Ford Tough AQHYA World Championship Show; Select World Championship Show, presented by Adequan® (polysulfated glycosaminoglycan); and AQHA World Championship Show. 5 Mar IQHA SHAMROCK SHUFFLE. Spring Fling Quarter Horse Show (Hamburg, NY) June 26 – 29, 2025. Dual Approved. Scheduled meetings will take place throughout the day on Saturday (see schedule below). cejytm jwdnl dmlx fvndw uffnj ujpm qeod vrnfv ypzm igaj qcn mmsl udfj pkhl zqrwi