Redcap filter logic If you don’t have the logic code yet, the best way to get it is from a report, or a branched field, in the project. Current category: All. Matrix Related Questions. Filter logic - Apply the relevant logic here to reduce rows on your dashboard. Form Display Logic can be found on the Designer Exporting data out of REDCap and into another system or local device; Importing data from another system to a REDCap project; Plugins. - check_queries: used to compare current queries with an old report to determine which ones have been modified, which remain unchanged, and if there are • Learn how to set up a custom data report in REDCap with filters. Need to specify the event when setting up filter. Subset of records: specify a REDCap filter logic expression; The module settings provide scope for institutions to specify their own text for the connector and instruction pages (default text is provided). Select forms to display on the dashboard. You can also build a custom dashboard which permits many configuration options. Are PHP scripts external to REDCap Can appear as if part of REDCap (but are not) Cannot affect behavior or look of existing REDCap pages; Examples: Extra page in a REDCap project; Simple dashboards and reports I'm trying to write some logic for the survey queue, where a repeatable survey would be shown only if no entry is present (has not been filled yet) or if the last completed date was more than 14 days ago. Yet that is all beside the point as dateRangeBegin and dateRangeEnd are different beasts. • REDCap API is an interface that allows external applications to connect to REDCap remotely • Can be used for automated data imports/exports from a specified REDCap project • API Token – Rather than using username/passwords, the REDCap API uses tokens as a means of secure authentication. "[age] > 30") export_dag. Select the variables you want the report to contain, and write a report filter to include only those records you want. If an operation is successful, the raw_text is returned as an empty string to save RAM. The internals differ in that `redcap_read` #' retrieves subsets of the data, and then combines them before returning #' (among other objects) a single filter_logic: The filter statement passed as an argument. The record status dashboard has been a popular feature in REDCap. Is it possible to export the time-stamps for the entered records? The redcap_read_oneshot function doesn't seem to do this. Use these instructions to build a custom dashboard view of REDCap records. S L I D E How do I create branching logic based only on an event? How do I show a field only if field 1 is less than field 2? How do I create a page break between questions in REDCap? How do I separate multiple choice responses into separate categories? How can I make the total of questions equal 100 percent? How to display and embed a picture in REDCap. Select the Red '@ Action Tags' button to learn more within REDCap. You can access that page either using the link towards the bottom of the left-hand menu column of a project page, or from the What program are you using to call the REDCap API? And what API method (e. Custom Record Dashboard. Function that allows you to manually input a missing to some variables ('vars') when some filters ('filter') are satisfied. Create Reports in REDCap Step 3: Choose Filters Step Under Step 3, click “Use advanced logic” to define a filter based on smart variables. To see all available qualifiers, see our documentation. TLDR; I want REDCap to default the study checkboxes based on if the respective MRI date is not blank. Auto-fill Action Tags: Automatically fill a field with a value REDCap Training 301 Advanced REDCap Features Sui Tsang. REDCap FAQ . - rd_event: identification of missing events per record identifier. Similar to branching logic, if the statement evaluates to true for a report, that report will be displayed. Optional character string containing a REDCap-style expression used to filter records returned by the API (e. Create Custom Dashboard . S L I D E 18 QUESTIONS? S L I D E 19 Data Quality Use advanced logic to set up complex filter. I got it, looks like the filter param is a pure string, I used:filter_logic="[respiratory_specimen_results_form_complete]='2'") I tried to use pythonic primitives like == , thanks for all the work you all do for this, makes life easier. REDCap conditional logic in automated survey invitations - date of scheduled invitations not changing. No labels Overview. Sort by - Choose a field and condition to sort your order of records by. REDCap Smart Variables. 3. Create a calculated field summing the responses of the checkbox field and filter report by adding filtering logic to the report to say “calculated field is greater than 1”, i. branch) the question-flow. REDCap reports can help with improving data quality, such as monitoring for missing or incorrect data entries. Arms: groups of events. What filter logic should I use? I 5) Filter Logic: Enter filter logic statement here. My REPORT s & Exports TAB This tab will allow you to run full or partial data exports, create reports and export those reports. REDCap - Field Embedding. CCTST REDCap instance; Search. Once chosen, click on the Use advanced logic link and copy and paste Information on the syntax and available operators and functions for data quality rule logic, branching logic, report filter logic, calculation expressions within REDCap is documented within REDCap itself on the "Help & FAQ" page. S L I D E 2 Instrument Level Data Viewing and Export Rights. Randomization Module. [age] > 30 and [diabetes] = "1"); and sort the records When you ask REDCap to filter based on those repeating instances, the result is slow: now REDCap needs to comb through all those instances to find and filter upon the first instance. REDCap@Yale Team. edu/redcap email •redcap@rt. The top level entry in the configuration is a Since REDCap checks the datediff logic every four hours, the first check for this is going to be between midnight and 4:00 on the 89th day since [date_insulation_completed]. filterLogic: [redcap_data_access_group]='1234_1234_test_v' its not working. extract_filter_logic: REDCap filter logic that is used to restrict the records extracted from the project. Group columns by instrument or events. • Test your logic utilizing the “Data Quality” feature to see if your logic is returning the desired records. , [variable_name]. • Know how to import data to a REDCap project. All Knowledge Base Service Catalog Search the client portal Search Articles; Blank. Take in account that the variable will be transformed only in the events where both the variable and the filter evaluation are present, so they need to have at least one event This External Module hides instruments in a project and displays them based on set conditions. My example project team includes a few counselors that are assigned to an individual or couple. The API token for the REDCap project from which the data is being extracted from REDCap. Step 2: Choose Fields Additional Report Options. This function is often used to conceal irrelevant questions in an instrument, or to direct (i. Where in REDCap would you use logic? Logic can be used in branching, calculated fields, conditional logic for automated survey invitations, alerts, data quality rules, the survey queue, To add filters to a report in REDCap, navigate to your REDCap project and Create a report or edit an existing REDCap report. However, have you ever wished that you could Your REDCap project has a repeating survey. filter_logic: The filter statement passed as an argument. This can make downloading a lot faster if you have a redcap_column_sanitize: Sanitize to adhere to REDCap character encoding requirements; redcap_dag_read: Read data access groups from a REDCap project; redcap_delete: Delete records in a REDCap project; redcap_event_instruments: Enumerate the instruments to event mappings; redcap_event_read: Export Events; filter_logic: String of logic text (e. Scroll down to Step 3 and begin typing in the filter box, select the • Filter the records displayed based on conditional logic • Sort the records by the value of a specific field This guide describes how to format and apply branching logic, also known as skip logic, to questions using the Online Designer method to build a database in REDCap. Attend this class if you want to incorporate more complex logic in your The language of logic in REDCap • AND Statement o and • OR statement o or • Equals statement o = • NOT statement o <> Logic Math • Standard math o +, -, /, * • Comparisons o >, <, >=, <= get the logic syntax after you build the filters. 2. Once a research team learns REDCap, it can reuse the knowledge to capture anything from leukemia to lunch orders. REDCap Special Function Explanations. can Yourestrict the number of forms; filter the records displayed(e. To see all available qualifiers, see our Using a report as a surrogate to filter data is a very useful technique of performing complex filtering logic for Aggregate Functions, Charts, and Tables. Adding logic to the autocontinue survey feature. edu . raw_text: If an operation is NOT successful, the text returned by REDCap. In the documentation, I'm seeing a filter_logic:string option with no example. Field Customizations. View of advanced logic (similar to branching logic advanced logic). filter_logic. Files and Documents; Space shortcuts. Create this field as a textbox, and within the "Action Tags / Field #' @title #' Read records from a REDCap project in subsets, and stacks them #' together before returning a dataset #' #' @description #' From an external perspective, this function is similar to #' [redcap_read_oneshot()]. - rd_insert_na: manually input a missing value for specified variables using a filter. REDCap variable names are referenced by placing square brackets [ ] around it - e. In the “Advanced filter logic” box, use the following syntax to limit records to the most recent R utilities for interacting with REDCap. REDCap Training 201 REDCap Special Features and Customization Sui Tsang REDCap@Yale Team 3/19/2024. It is the same logic style used elsewhere in REDCap. form). Special Functions. Test your logic utilizing the “Data Quality” feature to see if your logic is returning your desired records. export_survey. (redcap_uri = credential $ redcap_uri, token = credential $ token, filter_logic = "'2003-01-01' < [dob]", verbose = FALSE) $ data. Create your required fields 2. The second and third columns are date fields capturing the date of MRI imaging. However, filter_logic seems to only work with fields that are created by users but not f I want to generate a report that only shows records where any of these 5 checkboxes have been checked. Take advantage of the fact that REDCap runs the Useful options Filter logic Live filters Sorting Event limits Main purpose is to export data Other uses: To do lists Data quality Custom labels Custom dashboards Creative report uses "To do" lists "Dynamic" reports. Conditional Logic. [screening_arm_1][field1] S L I D E 39. = , <>, >=, <=, >, < Declare you comparison value Can be a ”hard” value like a number or a date Can be filter_logic: The filter statement passed as an argument. But data is so huge, it give timeout (524). Quick way to create advanced logic syntax . Test that your survey queue works by answering your survey in multiple ways 5. How do I do this? Some of the record IDs (name of record ID is 'cr_recordID') contain an identifier attached to the end = 1BC, 2BC, 3BC etc. What filter logic should I use? I have tried using the following filter and it is not working: [checkbox(1)] = 1 OR [checkbox(2)] = 1 OR [checkbox(3)] = 1 OR [checkbox(4)] = 1 OR [checkbox(5)] = 1 redcap; Share. Browse pages. Create the Report Navigate to the Data Exports, Reports, and Stats page. You should receive the popup below: Click on View Report to see your results. It will focus heavily on the crafting of your own custom logic syntax. REDCap - Longitudinal Data Filter your search by category. e. Study participants cannot If you choose to use advanced logic format, the drop-down filters will convert to syntax and allow for more sophisticated filtering. “REDCap will re-evaluate the logic against the record's data values whenever the record values are changed AFTER the invitation has been scheduled but BEFORE it has been sent to the respondent”. First, you’ll need to switch the filter to the custom syntax mode instead of the drag A REDCap External Module that provides an action tag to conditionally hide the submit button - redcap_hidesubmit/README. I want a specific dashboard where the counselor can view only the REDCap Support: redcapihrp@uic. There are things that your REDCap/IS team can do to help improve performance on their end to an extent, but as an REDCap admin myself I would say this isn’t an abnormal or out of the REDCap Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) WashU REDCap e-Consent. , `[gender] = 'male'`) for #' filtering the data to be returned by this API method, in which the API #' will only return the records (or record-events, if a longitudinal project) 8 Building a basic logic statement End result always needs to be a “true” or a “false” Define the variable Brackets (e. But to achieve this flexibility in the world of REDCap and EMRs, data are stored along the observation grain. edu/iu-redcap-dayThis presentation will provide tools for making effective reports. Click on Save Report when you are finished. Contribute to OuhscBbmc/REDCapR development by creating an account on GitHub. The design of a patient Three main ways of filters Logic based Logic builder Syntax based Event and/or DAG based Live Filters Multiple choice fields Events DAG's "Show data for all events" option REDCap will automatically limit what data you can see and export based on the following: General user rights: Which forms you can access De-identified vs identified export rights More information on using Conditional Logic can be found on the Help & FAQ page in REDCap. From the Record Status Dashboard, click . 6 the logic syntax after you build the filters. R utilities for interacting with REDCap. Project Design - Advanced Documentation. If you previously used the external module 'Form Render Skip Logic' in your project to skip instruments with conditional logic, your existing settings should Go into Reports, Exports and Stats, and create a new report. elapsed_seconds: The When a form is skipped using Form Display Logic, it becomes disabled from within REDCap for the specific record: Example of disabled forms using Form Display Logic Note on Conversion of FRSL External Module Settings. It allows you to get a quick high level overview of the current state of data entry in your records. REDCap Terminology Conditional Logic (If/Then, AND/OR) DateDiff(Calculate difference btwn2 Dates) Sum, Mean, SD, Min/Max, Rounding This class expands on the basics taught in the Intro class (RC-101) and focuses heavily on crafting your own custom logic syntax. 6) Excluded Forms: Click on the Conditional logic - includes branching logic, advanced filters for reports, and logic for Survey Queue, Data Quality rules, Custom Record Status Dashboards, and Automated Survey • Use the “Switch format: Use advanced logic” link to get the logic syntax after you build the filters. REDCap reports are for internal use within the research team. Click a button below for additional information on a specific action tag. Enabling in Individual Projects is Example do-files for interacting with the REDCap API (using shell command and curl) - lsgs/REDCap-API-and-Stata Creating Customized Reports in REDCap – How-to Guide 3/22/2017 Live filters (optional) allow you to dynamically filter data in real time in the actual report. export_checkbox_labels: Specify whether to export checkbox values as their label on export. Branching Logic: may be employed when fields/questions need to be hidden for data entry under certain conditions. Skip to content. Powered by a This method is very similar to the static method, except you will need to write custom logic to make this report dependent on today’s date. Cancel Create saved search Note that the logic between the survey queue CB2 REDZone Videos - REDCap Features. , exporting records, exporting metadata, export reports, etc. Method 1: Create a calculated field summing the responses of the checkbox field and filter report by adding filtering logic to the report to say “calculated field is greater than 1”, i. CREATE NEW REPORT TAB Three sort options. Is there option to filter using DataAccessGroups? There is filterLogic option but when I try to do. For example, REDCap utilizes their own logic syntax to use features such as: Branching logic Calculations Report Building Data Quality Rules Custom Dashboards Allows you to customize your REDCap project . Summary. cri. Title: Slide 1 Author: CCTST REDCap instance; Search. S L I D E 12. [variable1] ) Use the variable name in stead of the field label Brackets are also used for event definition (e. And if the • Conditional logic - includes branching logic, advanced filters for reports, and logic for Survey Queue, Data Quality rules, Custom Record Status Dashboards, Use advanced filter logic when setting up filter for repeating form. #' @param filter_logic String of logic text (e. Usage Configuration. g. Author(s) Download specific records with filter logic. website •https://cri. o From a Report: Go to Step 3 in a report and choose your options. The REDCap logic syntax class expands on the basics of branching logic taught in the intro class. - rd_rlogic: transcribes redcap logic to R logic. The top level entry in the configuration REDCap Extensions, Plug-ins, Hooks (Auto-notify) You can filter by “all invitation types”, only “sent” invitations, only “scheduled” invitations, If sending automated invitations, make sure to test the logic to ensure invitations are sent out correctly 4. Customizations. Jump to: Accessing Form Display Logic; Form Display Logic Settings; Form Display Logic Conditions; Accessing Form Display Logic. S L I D E 1 Introduction and Learning Objective • Recognize the optional modules available in REDCap Add record filter logic. Specify Column Names. 31 Improving overview / workflow "To do" lists Create a status variable E. filter_logic: Filter which records are returned using REDCap #' @param filter_logic String of logic text (e. Attachments (11) Page History Page Information Resolved comments View in Hierarchy View Source Export to PDF Researchers may Similar to how branching logic is used to make fields available under certain conditions, form display logic makes entire instruments available under certain conditions. Twilio. Step 4 (optional): Order the results. The first column (the check boxes) are studies that have completed MRI imaging. )? When exporting records, the API always returns the most recent version of the data, so you'll always get the modified value instead of the original value. In that case, you would filter by action type = "Create record" for your logic, the field name needs to be preceded by an event name, e. Can be used for automated data imports/exports from a specified REDCap Filmed during IU REDCap Day 2024 - https://go. If you used the 'send immediately' option, the Access Manage External Modules section of your project, click on Form Render Skip Logic's configure button, and save settings in order to show or hide instruments according to your needs. However, once you convert to Branching Logic – How-To Guide 4/17/2017 1 Branching Logic in REDCap – How-To Guide This guide describes how to format and apply branching logic, also known as skip logic, to questions using the Online Designer method to build a database in REDCap. Typical REDCap Workflow for a Data Analyst Will Beasley, Geneva Marshall, & Thomas Wilson, Biomedical & Behavior Methodology Core, OUHSC Pediatrics. Instrument and Field Questions. 'variables') which may be displayed conditionally using their branching logic parameter. Building Forms: Piping. The internals differ in that redcap_read retrieves subsets of the data, and then combines them before returning (among other objects) a single tibble::tibble(). Logical indicating whether to export survey identifier or timestamp fields, if surveys are used in the project. Note: This parameter will only work in Scenario: A report is needed to show only those participants who chose more than one response for a checkbox field. click “Use advanced logic” to define a filter based on smart variables. REDCap Branching Logic example cheat sheet guide 1 | P a g e Branching Logic example: 1. Title: Slide 1 Author: REDCap filter logic is not great and it is less great via the API and with dates. REDCap Reports Combine Checkbox Options. Initial survey won't trigger a series of automated Contribute to susom/redcap-em-autocontinue-logic development by creating an account on GitHub. Knowledge Base; Research Support; Research Management Systems; REDCap; REDCap Form Display Logic; REDCap Form Display Logic Tags REDCap. Request External Module. e [event_one_arm_1][colorsum]>1 REDCap’s flexibility is a driver of its success. Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly. In the “Advanced filter logic” box, use the following syntax to limit records to the most recent repeating instance: [current-instance]=[last-instance] Finally, uncheck the “Show data for all repeating instruments/events for each record returned” box. 0. REDCap Branching Logic example cheat sheet guide REDCap Resource Center. In this example, I have set up a call log as a repeating form and I would like to include only the last instance of the call log for each record in the report. It is useful to calculate the participant’s age from the entered date of birth, or to validate the entered date If the user is in a group, then this flag will revert to its default value. Branching logic can be as complex as you need it to be, with many layers of logic. Content Tools. NET application which fetches data from REDCap API. This function can be more appropriate than redcap_read_oneshot() when returning large datasets that could tie up the server. • Filter data • Order results Any report can be used to export data. Attachments (14) You can filter the results returned Branching Logic applicable Fields) @Action Tags Customized Field Annotation (We’ll get into it) • [Like‐Piping‐and‐Action‐Tags ‐but‐Different] [Smart‐ Variables] 6. Useful for checkboxes without a gatekeeper question in the branching logic. e places and functionality in REDCap, such as in conditional logic, calculations, and piping. Advanced Features: Other. Select the Green Right and Down Green Arrow button on the question that you want to display based upon the response in a previous questions, see the below screenshot of “Is the issue in your Hands”. Defaults to FALSE. chicago. Contribute to susom/redcap-em-autocontinue-logic development by creating an account on GitHub. Query. Example. Use advanced logic to set up complex filter. • Learn what an API is. Give the dashboard a title and (optional) description 3. . NEW VIDEO New Randomization Feature - Part 1 - ADDED 01/01/2025 | DOWNLOAD ZIP; NEW VIDEO New Randomization Feature - Part 2 - ADDED 01/01/2025; NEW VIDEO No Underscores Action Tag - ADDED 01/01/2025 @CALCTEXT and @CALCDATE Action Tags | DOWNLOAD PROJECT XML @IF Action Tag This Python library automatically parses the REDCap platform's branching logic strings. processing status logic set so that it only appears if the alcohol question is blank while the question that • Filter the records displayed based on conditional logic • Sort the records by the value of a specific field. I want to generate a report that only shows records where any of these 5 checkboxes have been checked. Choose Header orientation (Horizontal or Vertical) 4. API REDCap : Using date filter. • Understand how to export data to statistical packages. This is the code that finds the record IDs of interest. [baseline_arm_1][variable1]) Put in an operator e. Form Display Logic (or ‘form-level branching logic') is an advanced View of advanced logic (similar to branching logic advanced logic). edu Version Date: 4/2019 REDCap Tutorial: Date Difference Calculation (datediff) Using datediff function in a REDCap calculated field, the interval between two entered dates can be calculated. Im trying to export records with a filter on the recordID. elapsed_seconds: The duration of the function. I would like to export only those records with a 'BC' at the end. To get a readable survey date, you can create a new field date_surv_1 in form1 that pulls in the date using @CALCTEXT. S L I D E 1 REDCap 301 Learning Objectives • Understand Form Display Logic • Identify Special Functions that are commonly used in calculations and branching logic • Know how Action Tags can be used to make your data collection more dynamic • Learn how to incorporate Smart Note: When upgrading REDCap to v12. Surveys. Quick filter_logic: The filter statement passed as an argument. Limit the returned fields by passing a vector of the desired names. Once approved, access External Modules section of your project, click on Form Render Skip Logic’s configure button, and save settings in order to show or hide instruments according to your needs. Survey Distribution Tools: For proactive tracking it can be useful to use the datediff function in the filter logic to remove participants who have passed a time threshold. This will be covered in the survey development training. Attend this class if you want to incorporate more complex logic into your REDCap projects. 5/16/2024. For additional assistance, please contact the REDCap Support Team. 5 BRANCHING LOGIC. Because the underlying table REDCap Tip Sheet: Record Status Dashboard • Filter Logic This box is where the logic used to customize the dashboard is added. filter_logic: this will leverage the observation values to limit the rows returned. 0 or higher, if the Form Render Skip Logic is installed and is being used by any projects, all the configuration settings for the module will automatically be translated into the new Form Display Logic settings format, after which the external module will be disabled for each project and also for the entire system (since it will no longer be needed). REDCap - Action Tags. 1. In REDCap, instruments contain fields (i. S L I D E 15 Each REDCap project has a default dashboard that displays the existing records and the status of every data collection instrument (i. Branching logic I have a checkbox field with 5 options. uchicago. :record-name - For Aggregate Functions, Charts, and Tables, filter the data being used to the *current record* by using the literal value 'record-name'. REDCap - Repeatable Instruments. REDCap API is an interface that allows external applications to connect to REDCap remotely. Filter by event (for longitudinal studies). • Test your logic utilizing the “Data Quality” feature to see if your logic is returning thedesired For full clarity, this is my current filter logic: ([treatment-of-interest][current-instance] = "1") AND ([modifier][current-instance] <> "6") Where the modifier was an unrelated exclusion criterion I I would like to filter based on fields that were not created by users, but automatically generated by REDCap, such as timestamp and complete status. 0. REDCap Advanced Features and their uses. Filter logic: (Optional) Filter the records displayed based on conditional logic Filter by arm: Display all arms in tabbed This would be helpful for my project because I would like to do a filter logic on dates. You may want to employ multiple arms when using different treatment groups (control, experimental) or conducting a multi-site study, for instance. If you only need specific patients (records), you can use REDCap’s filter logic to specify which records the API should to download. Name. You want to create a report that displays only the most recent submission for each record. Basically I have a set up like this. Without Piping: REDCap has many advanced features that can be used for setting up surveys. Logical indicating whether to export the redcap_data_access_group field. REDCap Piping. REDCap Terminology . Page tree. Those two dates are fed into a query of the event log table to identify the record IDs in the project that have had an insert or update event. In this case, you might include a filter such as where a particular form is completed, and only those records for which that form is completed will appear in the report. , `[gender] = 'male'`) for #' filtering the data to be It appears that [survey-date-completed:form-1:value] does not work in the filter logic box because [survey-date-completed:form-1] != "" returns False for me. Configure Space tools. - rd_query: identification of queries. md at master · jangari/redcap_hidesubmit Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly. redcap_column_sanitize: Sanitize to adhere to REDCap character encoding requirements; redcap_dag_read: Read data access groups from a REDCap project; redcap_delete: Delete records in a REDCap project; redcap_event_instruments: Enumerate the instruments to event mappings; redcap_event_read: Export Events; filter_logic: String of . , [gender] I have an . iu. fwrs wivchc vios tzzxll dhx baeriw ovxf eodzfk fckwii krif xrkwx eyds vfq qghoi knvmf